WINTER 2020/21
Could this be the year that your dream to do a ski season finally comes true?

By Reach4thealps
16th September 2020
With the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing and international quarantines in place, it’s clear that the 2020/21 Alpine ski season is going to be very different from previous years. But could its uniqueness actually work in your favour? Could this be the year that your dream to do a ski season finally comes true?
In March people across the UK were asked to work from home if they possibly could, and almost half the labour market gave it go. Luckily the lure of Netflix didn’t prove too strong, and Zoom didn’t implode under the weight of its two squillion new users, and now hundreds of employers are telling staff not to hurry back.
Perhaps you’re one of the millions of UK workers that don’t have to worry about going back to the office for a while. Could you handle working with a view of the mountains and a lunchtime ski instead?
Of course you might be concerned about the risk of catching Covid-19. This is a personal decision, and for some people, taking extra care is the right thing to do – whether that’s to protect your physical or mental health.
But skiing has a lot to offer in this regard. It’s an individual, non-contact sport. It takes place outside, and you pass people in seconds. The Portes de Soleil ski areas have put in specific protocols – from mandatory face coverings to a marked out queuing system – to protect people around the lifts, and restaurants and shops are implementing similar safety measures too. Fresh air and regular exercise are great ways to protect your overall health – which has also shown to help with Covid-19 infection. And it is likely that the slopes will be much quieter this year than the norm.
We have accommodation ranging from 2 to 6 bedrooms available NOW for the winter season. Please get in touch to find out more.
Another reason why 2020/21 might be your season is the opportunity to rent quality accommodation for a great price. Holiday companies like ours are suffering from the uncertainties around travel restrictions and quarantines. Our properties are usually only available for weekly bookings, but this year we are offering a few of our properties for seasonal rent at a competitive rate. We currently have a studio “Cote D’Abroz” , a 2 bedroom apartment, “Roc D’Enfer” and our fantastc brand new 2 bedroom Apartment Zolie available for winter 2020/21. They are situated all at Chalet Sol Re which is in the little hamlet of Essert La Pierre, 5 km from Morzine.
If you’re looking for something bigger or more centrally located, we may have something perfect for you too. Get in touch to find out more
Everyone’s situation is different. But the crazy new normal that we’re living through does offer up some opportunities that would not have been possible before. Perhaps now is the time to grab them with both hands – because no one knows what the future might throw at us next.
One thing we know for sure is that the mountains are still here, and it’s a stunning place to live with plenty of space and nature to keep us healthy and safe.